Open Plastic Symposium - 2024

OpenPlastic Symposium-2023 Participants
Apr 22, 2024 - Apr 24, 2024
Consortium Members: $0.00
Free for all consortium members, presenters, keynote speakers, collaborators and donor.
Donor/Collaborator/Keynote Speaker: $0.00
Free for all presenters, keynote speakers, collaborators and donor.
Non-Consortium Members (Includes Accommodation): $400.00
Open Plastic will charge $400/person/2days or 1day (subsidized flat fee) for non-consortium members including accommodation.
Non-consortium member (Without Accommodation): $200.00
Non-member participants will be charged only $200/person/2 days (for subsidized conference registration fee and food) without accommodation.


Contact for Email
Pranab Das

Research Project Manager