Fungi in Fall: Exploring Autumn’s Mushrooms

Come join us on Sunday, October 6th from 10 am-12 pm at Elbow Lake Environmental Education Centre for a Fungi in Fall experience!  All ages are welcome!

We will be investigating our trails and looking for local fungi. This is not a foraging event and will not include information on edible fungi. Please dress for a light/moderate hike. The event is rain or shine.

We encourage you to bring a picnic lunch for after the event.

Free event! Registration is required to attend this event.

The Facility

At the centre of the ELEEC facility is the Pavilion, a common space housing a fully-equipped self-use kitchen, dining/meeting space, and washrooms.

For any other questions, please contact us.

Oct 6, 2024
Registration For Event: $0.00
Registration for each participant